Tuesday, November 23, 2010

nervous .

whooooaaa !

i'm actually kinda nervous because ma & pa are coming back in like 2 daaaaaysss !
whhoooaaa ! time flies people . i'm just nervous of what the verdict might be . yoou know us living without them . i wanted to know moms opinions on how we took care of her house and such . And dads constant grumbling . i miss it actually .
i'm just wondering would it be awkward ?
youknow they've been a way for llike 44 days . that's like a month ++ . so i'm kinda nervous . at the same time i'm excited. i haven't seen them in a while. and sometimes when the time comes to miss them, it was soooo hard . it's not that i'm too dependent on them . but i guess i was before this . now i guess i've learnt to be more independent . just asking for help when it really was necessary .

haaaaaaaa~~! i 'm nervouusss ~~!

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