Friday, February 11, 2011

suprisingly .

Today surprisingly, i can answer my Management Quiz . Rasa nya ooook koooot . But oh what the hell . Before tu pulak got Accounts class , we got our quizzes back . I got 29/34 . What do you think ? High ? Low ? Hmmm . I think to me it's lower then I expected so better do more exercises Hanim ! You have to make you're parents PROUD ! Ok so moving on .

I'm on my period and damnit if it didn't hurt ! Seriously it's like so annoying ! I don't know if it's true but some people say period pain is only half of the pain when you give birth . You know time nak beranak nanti ? Haaa sakit period ni baru sikit jaa . Goooosssh ! I hope it ain't true sebab time period ni pun da rasa macam merana gilaaaaaaa ! Anyway leaving that topic now and moving on to my health . I've been sneezing for almost five days noooow . What am I suppose to do ? My head is aching because i keep blowing my nose and now i feel like my nose is stuck ! Makan ubat pun tak hilang and I feel like almost coming down with a fever . And tomorrow there's this In-freakin-saniah program and I'm suppose to go feeling this crappy ? haaaaaaaaa !

Allah, could you please let me be healthy ? at least for tomorrow and ahad ?

Anyway, right now I've jut finish taking out my kain from the washing machine next lvel maklum lah basuh baju seminggu sekali . I've also just shawored and now I dah wangi . All that's left to do is eat ! n_n

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